Saturday, August 28, 2010

Global warming

  Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about global warming. Global warming is actually the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid 20th century and its projected continuation.

  Humans have contributed a lot to global warming. When we burn fossil fuels to generate electricity, a lot of CO2 is being released. These CO2 contribute to global warming by absorbing heat energy from the earth, trapping it and preventing its release into space. When more and more carbon dioxide is produced, more heat energy is trapped in Earth. The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through fossil fuel consumption and land clearing causes CO2 to form a kind of atmospheric blanket that traps an increasing amount of the earth's heat, causing the global temperature to rise.

  Global warming can result to killing every living thing on Earth if it gets too serious, but we can always slow down its rate of destruction to our planet. For example, we can save more electricity, plant more trees, use less vehicles, etc. We can do very simple things such as using energy-saving light bulbs and turning off electrical devices when not in use to save electricity and reduce the amount of fossil fuels needed to be burnt . Many people, including me, are sometimes too lazy to do these little efforts but from now on, all of us should remember that we have to change our bad habits and save our planet from global warming or we will have to suffer the consequences of being extinct. I hope that humans will be willing to change and we will not die due to global warming.


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